Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro MHR Empowers His Constituents

Empowerment of people is a critical element in the effort to improve on their standard of living as well as to fight against poverty and restiveness.

In his words “I believe my people can only be happy and fulfilled when value is being added to their lives by way of providing self-sustaining incentives to boost their productivity, to at least, enable them to meet their basic needs and those of their immediate relations.

As their representative in the House of Representatives, which is made possible by their cherished mandate, I will continue to strive towards making my people feel the impact of representative democracy, putting smiles on their faces.” – Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro MHR

Constituents from various wards in Eti-Osa Federal Constituency, comprising of women, youth and men, were presented with these empowerment items this comprise Fishing, poultry and farming materials such as bird cages,farming equipment, oven, gas cylinders, baking accessories, Pumping machine, fumigation pumps, feed fertilizer, oven cylinders, sealing machines, large fish bowls and funds etc. to assist them to engage in some form of independent, lucrative enterprise.

The idea is to make them small business owners who will eventually help in creating jobs and reducing poverty in our immediate communities.


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