Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro MHR Commissions Road On Sola Omole Street

On the 13th of January, 2022 the Speaker of the House of Representatives Rep. Femi Gbajabiamila commissioned the road on Sola Omole Street which was facilitated by Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro MHR @repibrahimobanikoro , in Eti-Osa Federal Constituency of Lagos State.

Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro MHR said “I also facilitated the reconstruction and rehabilitation of four other roads within the constituency. Three of these roads are in the Osapa London area of Eti Osa while one is in 1004 Estate in Iru Victoria Island area of Eti Osa. These roads are expected to be completed by March 2022.”

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