Residents Rejoice As Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro MHR Facilitates The Installation Of A 300kva Transformer

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  • Residents Rejoice As Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro MHR Facilitates The Installation Of A 300kva Transformer

Residents of Falomo, Ikoyi in Eti-Osa Federal Constituency of Lagos State could not hide their excitement when Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro MHR representing them at the National Assembly facilitated a 300kva transformer to them.

The transformer was given to the community by Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro MHR, to illuminate the area and boost security.

The 300KVA transformer was facilitated barely a month after he facilitated an empowerment program for old and young in intensive training and also distribution of educational personal computers to schools and students.

According to his Special Assistant on Media, Salman Babs Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro MHR reported to have assured the residents in his constituency of continued representation that would bring more benefits to them.

Ibrahim Babajide Obanikoro MHR noted that the transformer was given because it remain a key need in Falomo area of Ikoyi, assuring members of his constituency that despite the challenges, he was committed to ensuring that more requests will be fulfilled and Eti-Osa Federal Constituency will keep experiencing great development.

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